Blood Princess: The Complete Season One by Dylan Keefer

Blood Princess: The Complete Season One by Dylan Keefer

Author:Dylan Keefer [Keefer, Dylan]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Purple Press LLC
Published: 2018-12-30T00:00:00+00:00


T he clean-up was fast. Clayton gathered any evidence he needed to figure out if Charlotte had killed the man, and then they put both bodies together and buried them. Smoke would alert people, and you can’t just assume everything would burn fully, you would have to stick around. This way the ground would take care of the evidence, and since Clayton had told her he erased the other tracks, no one would find them. The man would just be chalked up as a missing person.

Prue stared at the ground where the hole used to be. Clayton made it look as if the ground had never been disturbed, and it only made it look eerier to her. She hoped the human didn’t have anyone that would miss him. And then she realized she hoped the man had a horrible life. And it made her feel worse about herself.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. Clayton stood next to her. He squeezed and gave her a faint reassuring smile. “You’re thinking about the man aren’t you?”

“How did you know?” Prue asked.

“Because that is what I’d be thinking too. If this had happened when I was younger.”

“I’m older than you.” Prue looked at Clayton.

“Yes, by a lot I imagine.” Clayton smiled. “But that doesn’t help when you can’t remember most of it. Experience wise, you’re barely six months old. It gets better when you realize that you don’t need to dwell on things you can’t fix.”

“You know I can’t remember? How?” Prue asked, partly to make sure she didn’t think about the man. Partly because now she had a name and she felt more comfortable asking questions.

“The hunter told me. The one Charlotte killed.” Clayton stepped closer. “I was ready to kill him if you didn’t, but you were in the way, so I couldn’t fire.”

“Why would you kill him?”

“Because he had killed too many good people. Not every non-human creature is bad. Some just want to live their life and not get in the way. Hunters usually only hunt those that have killed already, but he was going after anyone. And he was my problem because I helped him develop his skills.”

“You’re a hunter?” Prue asked. She remembered the tattoos on the man's body and how it hurt to touch him, and it didn’t happen with Clayton. He didn’t seem to have any actually.

“No, but I was raised by one. I’ll tell you about it sometime. We should bring Charlotte home before she wakes up.” Clayton picked up the unconscious Charlotte and draped her over his shoulder. “Lead the way.”

Prue took one step, then stopped. “How fast do I go?” She asked. After all of the running before, she didn’t want to go slower than necessary.

"Pretty fast, if we want to get out of here without anyone seeing us with an unconscious, bloody girl." Clayton grabbed Prue's hand, and Prue bolted, with him following close behind.


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